Power of love





The power that we can count on is the power within each one of us. It is the power of love: self love, love of others,
love of the world and all its creations. It is the knowing and feeling that we are one human family, and we are all connected.

Everything we think, do and speak affects everything else. It is the wisdom to know that what we focus on expands, and
fighting against what we don’t want is less effective than putting energy into what we do want.

The true power to make change is love, kindness, compassion and wise thinking. It is the consciousness of unity,
realizing we are all connected. Even thosewe perceive as our enemies are part of this cosmic oneness. People and situations
can more often be influenced by the power of love, inspiration and wise thinking, than when we cry out for change with anger
and resentment in our hearts.



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